Love Conquers All

First, I’ll like to say I’m so sorry for my absence from writing lately. The Lord is doing a quick work in me and needs me to focus on other things. Yet like someone with hunger pangs I have carried you, my friends and loved ones in my heart. I have prayed for you also that you will not miss out in the move of the spirit at this end times.

Also I have carried in my spirit a heavy burden for the body of Christ, the church whom He died for. I understand more than ever before it is easier to get caught in the trap of the pursuit of happiness, money, a good life and all the trappings of the world. Moreso the devil has firmly planted himself within the church. Yet don’t be deceived by all that is going on around you, for the Lord has preserved unto himself a remnant and his raising his army for the end time.

God is calling us all to a life of repentance, of holiness, of fellowship with himself and deep intercession! It is an urgent call!!! We need to birth the revival and holy revolution not just within the body of Christ but also in our families, homes, communities and nations. There is need to arise and take a stand for what is right and if you identify as a christian allow the Holy Spirit do a complete work in you.

One important ingredient to have is love! The love of Christ sets us apart, put a burning desire in us to reach out to others and show compassion. The right kind of love is only found in Christ! The bible said while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! One of my favourite prayer point this year is that God will teach me how to love like him.

I know this is not one of my usual post but I’m just obeying the Holy Spirit. I love you all with the love of Christ and my prayer is that as you read this post the Lord ministers to your heart to do that which is right before him. That you will take a stand for him in all you do, that strength is minsitered to you to fight the good fight of faith and that my Father in heaven is glorified in your lives. Also it is my sincere prayer that a burden for intercession is created in our hearts so that Christ is glorified in his church(the bride) and the bride is preserved blameless until his return. Amen!